Our Culture
CloudMusic came together from a simple, yet timeless feeling: a father's love for his only daughter. In spite of a busy schedule and many years of miscommunication and distance between the two, the father and the daughter finally found something that they could share: the simple happiness and the beautiful positive energy stemming from strumming a small ukulele was the perfect bonding moment.
Such positivity inspired the father, Simon, to start CloudMusic Ukulele, naming the company after his daughter with similar pronunciation. Later he worked out the cases and straps with beautiful unique patterns to surprise his princess.
This simple musical instrument brings a lot of joy to people all over the world. It is simple to play and it is perfect to spread happiness! CloudMusic wishes to continue on this beautiful tradition. We work to promote music and family activities. These days, most parents seem to be too busy to interact with their kids, but we hope that all families could find the time to be happy together and enjoy some good ol' ukulele jamming!
In CloudMusic’s eyes, ukulele cases and straps are a kind of fashion with combination of fashion elements and function. CloudMusic would like to provide more fashion accessories for musical instrument players. Let’s enjoy music and fashion at the same time!